2008年12月24日 星期三

qt 4.4.3 + wince

1. Uncompress the Qt zip file to the dictionary what you want to install Qt into. My dictionary is "C:\Qt-embedded-wince\4.4.3".

2. Open "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" but not "Qt 4.4.3 Command Prompt", this is very important.

3. Modify the environment variable PATH. This is done by adding "C:\Qt-embedded-wince\4.4.3" (or your own dictionary path) to PATH.

4. Configuring Qt

cd C:\Qt-embedded-wince\4.4.1
configure -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm50pocket-msvc2008

These steps are the same as the official article besides the bold parameters.

5. Building Qt

setcepaths wincewm50pocket-msvc2008

6. 下qmake -tp vc,會產生.vcproj or .sln
之後可以利用vc build

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